Volume #16 | IssueNo. 300/2024 | May 2024

Quo vadis?

The Upanishads declare:
“You are what your deepest desire is.
As your desire is, so is your intention.
As your intention is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.”
Desire, intention, will and deed are always for sharing knowledge far, wide, deep and for long. Quo vadis? This is a quintessential philosophical question which only time will tell. As we reach the 300th mark, we are elated to continue on this journey which started as just a ‘time-pass’ initiative in 2009. A big shout out to my ‘SHE’ team (HE included at times!) who have done the heavy-lifting since then. So also to my good friend CA Naveen Bhat, for his consistent tax updates.
Some of the readers have been cheering us up quite regularly and you can see what a select-few have to say. My heart-felt pranams to each one of them. Special thanks 🙏🏼 to my fellow professional and well-wisher Guruprasad, who shared this issue’s ‘hero-story’ (Role of Corporate Governance in Ethical Digital Transformation) way back in December, 2023 itself, becoming my ‘countdown-tracker’ since then for this milestone 300th issue ! What better cheerleader can Samhita expect!!
While MCA, RBI & IT notifications are carried in this special issue, it will not be wrong if I call this a ‘SEBI loaded’ issue. For any previous issues of Samhita and the readers’ feedback, please visit sharadasc.com
Reader's Reflections
Mr. Sudhakar Saraswatula
Mr. Sudhakar Saraswatula
My hearty congratulations to Ms Sharada and her entire team and God bless them!!
Ms. Amita Desai
Ms. Amita Desai
I would like to acknowledge the three Cs in Samhita: Column by the Editor, Consistency, and Coverage.
Mr. Kalidas Ramaswami
Mr. Kalidas Ramaswami
I wish her all success in her future endeavours.
Mr. Arjun Raj Urs
Mr. Arjun Raj Urs
Ms. Sujatha Srinidhi
Ms. Sujatha Srinidhi
Also, Samhita has a story which explains about normal aspects which we have all heard but not gone deep into the subject and as a citizen what we need to do. Eg. Last month’s story on reduction of plastics in ceremonies and functions.
Wishing long life to Samhita!!!
Mr. V. Karthick
Mr. V. Karthick
Kudos to Sharada & team for bringing out this newsletter every month!!
Mr. M. G. Kodandaram
Advocate & Consultant
Mr. M. G. Kodandaram
Ms. Vijaya Rao
Ms. Vijaya Rao
Mr. K. Jayachandran
Mr. K. Jayachandran
Kudos to you & your entire team.🙂
Mr. K. Narayana Swamy
Mr. K. Narayana Swamy
On the special occasion of the release of 300th issue of Samhita, I wish Sharadaji “All the Best” in her journey with Samhita and pray the God Almighty to bestow upon her the required strength and commitment to carry on with her passion. Let hundreds of flowers blossom in the coming days to decorate the beauty of Samhita in the years to come.
Ms. Chenthamarai
Ms. Chenthamarai
K. Vittala Rao
Corporate Trainer in HR
K. Vittala Rao
My hearty congratulations for accomplishing 300 issues. My sincere appreciations to the Chief Editor Mrs. Sharada and wish further growth.
Role of Corporate Governance Professionals in Ethical Digital Transformation
A Company Secretary is often considered a Corporate Governance professional. The role of a Company Secretary is crucial in ensuring that an organisation adheres to corporate governance principles, legal requirements, and ethical standards. While the specific duties may vary based on the size and nature of the organisation, Company Secretaries typically play a vital role in facilitating effective corporate governance…

SEBI Updates
In March 2024, SEBI had announced several decisions taken at its Board meeting towards Ease of Doing Business; majorly relating to AIFs, IPO, FPO and regulation of listed entities. In continuation of the same, SEBI vide Notification dated May 17, 2024 has notified amendments to the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Refer the link below for highlights of the said amendments.
Open Highlights of SEBI LODR Amendments
Open SEBI LODR Amendment dt May 17, 2024
SEBI has released Master Circular for AIFs in supersession of Master Circular for AIFs dated July 31, 2023. The latest Master Circular covers various circulars issued by SEBI for AIFs up to March 31, 2024. It has been stated that in addition to the requirements of this circular, AIFs shall comply with GST and other requirements specified by SEBI for Market Intermediaries, other directions and guidance issued by SEBI specifically for AIFs.
Annexure 17 to Master Circular provides a list of circulars that stand rescinded. However, it is clarified that any prior action done or taken, or application made to SEBI based on such rescinded circulars will be deemed to have been made as per this Master Circular.
As per Regulation 4(g)(i) of SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 (“AIF Regulations”), the requirement for the key investment team of the Manager of an AIF to have at least one key personnel with relevant certification as may be specified by SEBI is effective from May 10, 2024. The relevant certification has been specified by SEBI on May 10, 2024 as the NISM Series-XIX-C: Alternative Investment Fund Managers Certification Examination. In furtherance to this, SEBI vide circular dated May 13, 2024 has specified that the certification requirement shall be complied as follows:
- On or before May 09, 2025 by existing schemes of AIF and schemes of AIFs whose applications for launch are pending with SEBI as on May 10, 2024.
- Will apply as an eligibility criterion for all applications of AIF registration and launch of AIF schemes filed after May 10, 2024.
Further, the trustee/sponsor of AIF, as the case may be, shall ensure the compliance of this requirement is covered in the ‘Compliance Test Report’ prepared by the manager of AIF at the end of the financial year in terms of per Para 15.2 of the Master Circular for AIFs dated May 07, 2024.
SEBI vide circular dated May 24, 2024 has announced that salient disclosures made in the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP), Red Herring Prospects (RHP) and Price Band Advertisement for public issues shall also be made available in Audio Visual format (AV) for ease in understanding the features of public issues. The AV shall be prepared and placed in public domain for all main Board issues on voluntary basis from July 01, 2024 and mandatorily from October 01, 2024. The content has been prescribed in the circular which shall be initially uploaded in a bilingual format in English and Hindi. The same is in line with provisions regarding Public communications and publicity materials” prescribed in SEBI ICDR.
Regulation 30(11) of SEBI (LODR) dealing with verification of market rumours is applicable to top 100 listed entities with effect from June 01, 2024 and to top 250 listed entities (i.e., next top 150) with effect from December 01, 2024. SEBI circular dated May 21, 2024 states that the Industry Standards Forum (“ISF”) comprising of representatives from three industry associations, viz. ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI, on a pilot basis, has formulated industry standards in consultation with SEBI for implementation of the said Regulation. The listed entities shall follow the said standards to ensure compliance of said Regulation. The standards shall be published on the website of the said industry associations as well as stock exchanges.
SEBI vide circular dated May 27, 2024 has notified timelines for disclosure under Regulation 91(C) and 91(E) of SEBI LODR ie. Annual disclosure by Not for Profit Organizations (NPOs) and Disclosures by a Social Enterprise in respect of social impact, respectively.
Regulation 91(C) of the SEBI LODR requires the NPOs registered on Social Stock Exchange (SSE) including NPOs whose designated securities are listed on SSE to make certain annual disclosures to the SSE within 60 days from end of the financial year. Contents of such annual disclosure were specified by SEBI through its Circular dated September 19, 2022. Highlights of the said circular may be referred from our 280th Issue of Samhita.
SEBI vide Circular dated May 27, 2024 has notified that such annual disclosure can be made by October 31, 2024 for the FY 2023-24.
Similarly submission of Annual Impact Report to the SSE or SE under Regulation 91(E) of SEBI LODR by the Social Enterprise whether registered or listed, can be made by October 31, 2024 for the FY 2023-24.
Vide circular dated May 27, 2024 SEBI has notified the addition of ICMAI Social Auditors Organization (ICMAI SAO) and ICSI Institute of Social Auditors (ICSI ISA), as Self-Regulatory Organizations for Social Impact Assessors. Until now Social Impact Assessors registered with ICAI and who have qualified the relevant certificate program from NISM were recognized. With this addition, members of ICSI and ICMAI who have qualified the certification program will be eligible to conduct assessment for the annual impact report prepared by a Social Enterprise in terms of Regulation 91(E) of the SEBI LODR.
RBI Update
In March 2024, RBI had enabled issuance of partly paid units to persons outside India by Investment Vehicles. Vide notification dated May 21, 2024 RBI has notified that such issuance made prior to the March 2024 notification can be regularized through compounding under the FEMA, 1999. AD Banks may ensure that AIFs concerned have reported such issuance through FIRMS and conditional acknowledgement has been issued for the same, before applying for compounding.
MCA Update
MCA had earlier released notifications for compliance of Beneficial Interest and Significant Beneficial Ownership by LLPs in October 2023 and November 2023 respectively. However, pending the release of Form LLP BEN-2 and Form LLP 4D for reporting declaration of Significant Beneficial Owner and beneficial interest respectively, the MCA had allowed filing of such forms without additional fees, up to May 15, 2024.
MCA vide General Circular dated May 07, 2024 has further extended the time to file these forms without additional fees up to July 01, 2024.
IT Updates
CBDT vide order dated May 03, 2024 has issued detailed guidelines for compulsory selection of returns for scrutiny during FY 2024-25. The parameters for compulsory selection of returns for Complete Scrutiny and procedure for compulsory selection in such cases are prescribed in this notification.
CBDT has notified the Cost Inflation Index used for calculation of long-term capital gains. The notification specifies that for the financial year 2024-25, the Cost Inflation Index is set at 363.
June 2024

Quote of the day
"When you look at people who are successful, you find that they are not the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation."
- Arsene Wenger
Disclaimer: The contents of this Newsletter are only a summary and has not dealt with any issue in detail. Any action taken or proposed to be taken must be in consultation with professionals and not merely based on the articles / news updates. S. C. Sharada & Associates disclaims all liability on action taken without professional advice.